

School children at work in class

Education is essential to the future of our society, and central to the mission of Saint Monica Institute.  To that end Saint Monica Institute offers certficate and additional qualification courses, retreats, workshops, discussion  forums, and other resources for formation and policy development, for teachers, parents, administrators, and Catholic School board trustees.  Look here for current links to collaborations, courses, events, and resources.

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Saints for Teachers
The Catholic Teachers Guild’s and St. Monica Institute present speakers on model Saints for teachers, including Katherine Drexel and John Bosco
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CTA - CTG 2023 Retreat
The Catholic Teachers' Guild offers its 2023 Lenten Retreat, "A Spirituality for Catholic Teachers," on March 4, 2023, at St Augustine's Seminary.


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Catholic Teachers Guild
Saint Monica supports the Catholic Teachers Guild's mission of nurturing vocations to pass the Church's faith and tradition to new generations.
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Ontario Trustees - OCSTA
Saint Monica supports the OCSTA's mission of providing leadership for Catholic school trustees and publicly-funded Catholic education in Ontario.